
MyGR 6 Logo is a community-driven experience which invites Grand Rapidians to speak their minds—in only 6 words—about why they love Grand Rapids, Michigan. Though most of the graphic design elements were determined in-house at Amway, Icavia was responsible for the UX design and technical implementation of the digital experience.

The key feature of the site includes the ability for users to enter 6 words about their love for Grand Rapids. After the responses are submitted, they are updated in a live stream so that users can always see what others are saying about their great city. Each user can then print out their 6 words and showcase them in a window, their car, or on their desk at work. Their responses will be judged, and 6 winners will receive prizes that amount to over $10,000 each.

MyGR6 Printable Page

Surprisingly (even to us), it required a fair amount of technical wizardry to execute this twitter-esque campaign. Some of the technical achievements that were implemented include:

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